Early predictions are sometimes more accurate in the visual effects race than in other categories, owing to the huge budgets, advanced production time, and big-studio nature of these films. But we should always leave room for a few surprises, especially when so many of the films listed below are sequels, reboots and long promised projects used to excite (or infuriate) fans.
Here are today’s rankings for the 87th Oscar Visual Effects race, with previous ranking shown in parenthesis after each entry.

1. Avatar 2 (Predicted Winner) (previous rank 1)
2. Interstellar (previous rank 2)
3. Black Panther (previous rank 3)
4. Asteroids (New)
5. Independence Day 3 (previous rank 4)

6. Pirate Latitudes (New)
7. The Battle Of Midway (New)
8. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (New)
9. Noah (New)
10. Saturn And The End Of Days (New)
11. Kill Bill Volume 3 (New)
12. Peter And The Starcatchers (New)
13. Nick Fury (New)
14. Pirates Of The Caribbean 6 (New)
15. Logan’s Run (New)
16. Captain America 2 (previous rank 7)
17. Dali & I: The Surreal Story (New)
18. Salt 2 (New)
19. The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Magician’s Nephew (New)
20. Earthseed (New)
21. Ant-Man (New)
22. The Witches
23. DemonWars (New)
24. 2012: The War For Souls (New)
25. Lucifer The Movie (New)

26. The NeverEnding Story (New)
27. Rex Mundi (New)
28. Storming Las Vegas (New)
29. Nemesis (New)
30. The Chancellor Manuscript (New)
31. Terminator 5 (New)
32. The Tiger (New)
33. 7th Day (New)
34. Untitled X-Men Sequel (New)
35. Untitled Cloverfield Sequel (New)
36. Zorro Reborn (New)
37. Wynter Dark (New)
38. Deadpool (New)
39. 2084 (New)
40. Untitled Tron: Legacy Sequel (New)
41. World War Robot (New)
42. Silver Surfer (New)
43. Hercules: The Thracian Wars (New)
44. Innocence In A Garden of Lies (New)
45. Zanbato (New)
46. Jupiter Rising (New)
47. Untitled Blade Runner Project (New)
48. Templar: Honor Among Thieves (New)
49. The Punisher (New)
50. The Seven Samurai (New)
As always, check the Tracker Pages in the upper right hand corner of this blog for the most updated predictions in all categories!

See Visual Effects predictions for other years HERE.
If you’re into visual effects, you might also like Cinematography and Film Editing.
See predictions for other categories at the 87th Oscars HERE.
Switch to another year: 84th, 85th, 86th, 87th, 88th, 89th
Here are today’s rankings for the 87th Oscar Visual Effects race, with previous ranking shown in parenthesis after each entry.
1. Avatar 2 (Predicted Winner) (previous rank 1)
2. Interstellar (previous rank 2)
3. Black Panther (previous rank 3)
4. Asteroids (New)
5. Independence Day 3 (previous rank 4)
6. Pirate Latitudes (New)
7. The Battle Of Midway (New)
8. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (New)
9. Noah (New)
10. Saturn And The End Of Days (New)
11. Kill Bill Volume 3 (New)
12. Peter And The Starcatchers (New)
13. Nick Fury (New)
14. Pirates Of The Caribbean 6 (New)
15. Logan’s Run (New)
16. Captain America 2 (previous rank 7)
17. Dali & I: The Surreal Story (New)
18. Salt 2 (New)
19. The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Magician’s Nephew (New)
20. Earthseed (New)
21. Ant-Man (New)
22. The Witches
23. DemonWars (New)
24. 2012: The War For Souls (New)
25. Lucifer The Movie (New)
26. The NeverEnding Story (New)
27. Rex Mundi (New)
28. Storming Las Vegas (New)
29. Nemesis (New)
30. The Chancellor Manuscript (New)
31. Terminator 5 (New)
32. The Tiger (New)
33. 7th Day (New)
34. Untitled X-Men Sequel (New)
35. Untitled Cloverfield Sequel (New)
36. Zorro Reborn (New)
37. Wynter Dark (New)
38. Deadpool (New)
39. 2084 (New)
40. Untitled Tron: Legacy Sequel (New)
41. World War Robot (New)
42. Silver Surfer (New)
43. Hercules: The Thracian Wars (New)
44. Innocence In A Garden of Lies (New)
45. Zanbato (New)
46. Jupiter Rising (New)
47. Untitled Blade Runner Project (New)
48. Templar: Honor Among Thieves (New)
49. The Punisher (New)
50. The Seven Samurai (New)
As always, check the Tracker Pages in the upper right hand corner of this blog for the most updated predictions in all categories!
See Visual Effects predictions for other years HERE.
If you’re into visual effects, you might also like Cinematography and Film Editing.
See predictions for other categories at the 87th Oscars HERE.
Switch to another year: 84th, 85th, 86th, 87th, 88th, 89th
Why aren't you updating the closer Oscars and these ones that are so far away? I'm personally much more interested in the current race and the next one. But to jump 3-4 years is too much.
ReplyDeleteMy advice is to update the closer first, than the far away ones.
Thanks lime_vortep. I'm running out the door now, but will try to post a longer response later today (might be tomorrow for your time zone.)
ReplyDeleteBut the short answer is Venice, Toronto and Telluride, combined with my goal of filling in those future years that are looking a little weak.
I agree with your advice in that I need to find a way to rotate these a bit to keep people's interest, and am working on a schedule for that now.
Watch for a longer explanation post coming soon. And thanks for being a loyal reader!
See my longer explanation here: http://nevertooearlymoviepredictions.blogspot.com/2011/09/dangerous-method-behind-my-mountains-of.html