Here are my first predictions for the 87th Oscar Sound Editing Race (2014-2015 Awards Season).

1. Independence Day 3 (Predicted Winner)
2. Avatar 2
3. Noah
4. Interstellar
5. Salt 2

6. Asteroids
7. Black Panther
8. Song Of Justice
9. Joe
10. Kill Bill Volume 3
11. Pirate Latitudes
12. The Battle Of Midway
13. Untitled Tron: Legacy Sequel
14. Wicked
15. The Seven Samurai
16. Flight
17. Logan’s Run
18. The Witches
19. In The Heights
20. Captain America 2
21. 2012: The War For Souls
22. The Fortress Of Solitude
23. Untitled X-Men Sequel
24. Pirates Of The Caribbean 6
25. Nick Fury

26. Nemesis
27. Broken City
28. Untitled Cloverfield Sequel
29. The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Magician’s Nephew
30. The NeverEnding Story
31. The Amazing Spider-Man 2
32. Peter And The Starcatchers
33. Terminator 5
34. Sparkle
35. Jupiter Rising
36. Rex Mundi
37. The Chancellor Manuscript
38. The Tiger
39. Americana
40. Zorro Reborn
41. Godzilla
42. Hercules: The Thracian Wars
43. World War Robot
44. How To Train Your Dragon 2
45. National Treasure 3
46. The People’s Act Of Love
47. Deadpool
48. Cyclops
49. Saturn And The End Of Days
50. Zanbato
As always, check the Tracker Pages in the upper right hand corner of this blog for the most updated predictions in all categories!
1. Independence Day 3 (Predicted Winner)
2. Avatar 2
3. Noah
4. Interstellar
5. Salt 2
6. Asteroids
7. Black Panther
8. Song Of Justice
9. Joe
10. Kill Bill Volume 3
11. Pirate Latitudes
12. The Battle Of Midway
13. Untitled Tron: Legacy Sequel
14. Wicked
15. The Seven Samurai
16. Flight
17. Logan’s Run
18. The Witches
19. In The Heights
20. Captain America 2
21. 2012: The War For Souls
22. The Fortress Of Solitude
23. Untitled X-Men Sequel
24. Pirates Of The Caribbean 6
25. Nick Fury
26. Nemesis
27. Broken City
28. Untitled Cloverfield Sequel
29. The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Magician’s Nephew
30. The NeverEnding Story
31. The Amazing Spider-Man 2
32. Peter And The Starcatchers
33. Terminator 5
34. Sparkle
35. Jupiter Rising
36. Rex Mundi
37. The Chancellor Manuscript
38. The Tiger
39. Americana
40. Zorro Reborn
41. Godzilla
42. Hercules: The Thracian Wars
43. World War Robot
44. How To Train Your Dragon 2
45. National Treasure 3
46. The People’s Act Of Love
47. Deadpool
48. Cyclops
49. Saturn And The End Of Days
50. Zanbato
As always, check the Tracker Pages in the upper right hand corner of this blog for the most updated predictions in all categories!
Thanks for visiting. Hopefully I'll be able to post some updated ones for this category in June or July