As some of you know, I've been overwhelmed with work lately and haven't been able to post in a while. I'm back though, and my first order of business was to make a guest appearance on "Ask The LAMB", the Large Association Of Movie Blog's take on Dear Abby.
Jason Soto of Invasion Of The B Movies asked me to weigh in on a question from a reader who doesn't like Oscar's choices, as well as to help some married guy who is having some trouble in the bedroom. Other Lamb members chime in with advice for what to do when your significant other has different tastes in movies, and the age old question of who would win in a fight: Munchkins or Oompa Loompas!
With such a wide range of pressing issues, there's certain to be some good advice that everyone can use. So go check out this week's "Ask The LAMB" article and don't be shy about sending Jason questions for the next edition!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
The Academy Members Project Progress Update 4 July 2012
I completed another update to the Academy Members project this evening, including all of this year’s new invitees and several others that have been discovered through books and internet searches. I am happy to report that we can now boast that we have identified 2,840 Academy members -- 42.78% of the 6,638 possible total (including associate and retired members).
A special thank you to all who have been helping with this project, particularly Bret Zirafah and A Recollector, who have been essential in sending in names and fact checking details.
My next round of work will continue the search by looking through biographies, examining nominees from several of the technical branches, and analyzing the invitation lists that have been made public over the last nine years for any patterns. And, of course, adding any members that my loyal readers send my way!
(About) (Origins) (Branch Statistics) (Progress Updates) ( A ) ( B ) ( C ) ( D ) ( E ) ( F ) ( G ) ( H ) ( I ) ( J ) ( K ) ( L ) ( M ) ( N ) ( O ) ( P ) ( Q ) ( R ) ( S ) ( T ) ( U ) ( V ) ( W ) ( X ) ( Y ) ( Z ) (Non-Members)
Know of an Academy member that we have missed? Think we have included someone who shouldn’t be here? The Academy Members Project is a work in progress, and welcomes your input! Additions, suggestions, corrections and verifications may be submitted in the comments section, or by emailing
A special thank you to all who have been helping with this project, particularly Bret Zirafah and A Recollector, who have been essential in sending in names and fact checking details.
My next round of work will continue the search by looking through biographies, examining nominees from several of the technical branches, and analyzing the invitation lists that have been made public over the last nine years for any patterns. And, of course, adding any members that my loyal readers send my way!
(About) (Origins) (Branch Statistics) (Progress Updates) ( A ) ( B ) ( C ) ( D ) ( E ) ( F ) ( G ) ( H ) ( I ) ( J ) ( K ) ( L ) ( M ) ( N ) ( O ) ( P ) ( Q ) ( R ) ( S ) ( T ) ( U ) ( V ) ( W ) ( X ) ( Y ) ( Z ) (Non-Members)
Know of an Academy member that we have missed? Think we have included someone who shouldn’t be here? The Academy Members Project is a work in progress, and welcomes your input! Additions, suggestions, corrections and verifications may be submitted in the comments section, or by emailing